Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Winter, It's Normal

Yay, TGIF! Although the weather reports a snowstorm coming in around 3:00 this afternoon and accumulating snow overnight of 3-6". The temperature when I got up this morning was 1 degree, brrrr! I have to keep reminding myself that I do live in northern Ohio and this is normal, but I don't have to like it.
On the up side, I am farther along with my year-end reports for both the township and our farm business, than I have ever been this time of year. Ready to get back into a normal daily routine, and also get started on some clearing out and de-cluttering. That was one of my resolutions this year.
I need to get started on an exercise routine also (another one of those resolutions)and I am eagerly waiting on a treadmill that I won from Sam's Club ( during a twitter party. UPS freight called just yesterday and will be delivering next week!
Well, time to go get some more work done so that I can make time to get back on twitter and win some more great prizes!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Too Busy to Blog

Well, it's that time of year again. Being a fiscal officer and married to a farmer, January is a very busy month for me. There are many year-end reports to get filed and get things set up for the new year. My husband's partnership with his cousin brought more acreage and landlords into the picture, which entails many 1099's to get sent out. This family business is no Mom and Pop operation! Thankfully a lot of my work I do at home, so when a winter weather advisory is in effect, I can still get things done and not have to go outside in the yucky weather. (Well, until I have to go out to mail those 1099's).