Monday, November 14, 2011

Ducky Weather

  It is hard to believe that it is the middle of November.  The last couple of days have been in the 60's, and right now we have a severe storm warning AND a tornado watch in our area.  Yesterday we also had one of those "Winnie the Pooh" blustery days, sounding like winter had already arrived.  I absolutely do not like storms.  I get paranoid when it starts to get nasty out. I will get my candles lit, clip my scanner to my pants and walk from window to window (or around the house outside if it isn't raining) keeping a close eye on the sky.  I won't rest until the radar shows us in the clear.  In all my 40 some years, I have only had to go to the basement once and that was just this last summer. I was actually pretty calm that day too and I think that's because besides me there were also 6 kids and 2 dogs from the neighborhood in the basement with me.  Turned out that no damage was done, but just a couple miles into town there were trees down everywhere.  I also get paranoid about being on the computer during lightning, so....see ya!

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